
Diego Alexander Londoño Marín

FullStack Software Engineer

I am a

Software developer with +14 years of experience, working in Software Factories, Digital Agencies and StartUps.

Job Experience
  • Fullstack Software Engineer Red Valley / Jun 2020 - At the moment
  • Lead Developer Primitive Agency / Mar 2020 - Jun 2020
  • Fullstack Software Engineer KZLabs / Dic 2019 - Feb 2020
  • Lead Developer / UX & UI Auctio / Sep 2016 - Jun 2020
  • Lead Developer Lobo Agencia / Ene 2016 - Ago 2016
  • Senior Software Engineer Chef Company / Oct 2015 - Ene 2016
  • Senior Software Engineer / UX SMDigital / Jul 2015 - Sep 2015
  • Lead Developer Feeling Company / Abr 2014 - Jun 2015
  • Mid/Senior Software Engineer SMDigital / May 2011 - Mar 2014
  • Mid Software Engineer Paradigma Solutions / Oct 2010 - Abr 2011
  • Jr Software Engineer CompuRedes S.A / May 2008 - Oct 2010
  • Frontend React / Redux / Vue / Ember CLI
  • Backend Node.JS / PHP / Python / C#
  • DataBase Postgresql / MySQL / SQL Server / MongoDB / DynamoDB
  • Web Semantics HTML5 / CSS / SASS / LESS / Animations
  • Others / Frameworks Gatsby / Sanity / Nuxt / Strapi / Nest.Js / Express / Bootstrap / Vuetify / AWS / Wordpress
  • Design Adobe XD / Adobe Illustrator / Adobe Photoshop / Figma
  • Photography Lightroom / Camera RAW